Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Joe Mallory

Friday, February 28, 2014

Photo Editing

1.PicMonkey-I really liked using Pic Monkey to edit my photos. I thought it was really easy to navigate around while editing a photo. Pic Monkey was my favorite photo editing website that I used.

2. iPiccy-I thought iPiccy was a pretty solid photo editing website. I liked all the different effects you could put on the photos. The website wasn't too complicated and it was pretty simple.

3. BeFunky-I thought BeFunky was a cool photo editing website. I couldn't believe all of the stuff you could do to edit your photo. I also liked all of the effects you could choose from like I did on iPiccy.

4. Pixlr- I thought that Pixlr was a good photo editing website. I really liked the layout of Pixlr and how easy it was to edit my photos. I liked how it had drop down menus at the top of the page so you could easily get to where you wanted to go.

5. Fotoflexer-I didn't really like Fotoflexer as much as I did the other photo editing websites. The layout of the website was just not working for me. I overall just didn't really like the website that much at all.

6. Picadilo-I thought Picadilo was a pretty solid photo editing website. I liked all of the different effects you could choose from like I did on a lot of the other photo editing websites. I also liked the different borders and things like that you could choose from.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Glogster is a web 2.0 tool where you can create poster like things about any topic that you want. You can add pictures and videos and add animated objects. There are a lot of different templates you can choose from to start making your glog. One of the good things about Glogster is that you can fit a lot of information on one page.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Zooburst is a Web 2.0 tool where you can stories about almost anything that you want. You can add all sorts of animals into your stories and different objects like trees and sports balls. You can also add pop ups into your stories so you can click on a character and see what they're saying.


Sports and Drug Use

Animoto is a Web 2.0 Tool where you can create videos about any topic
that you want. You can add music to your video and you can also add text
to your video. Adding photos to your video allows people to see a good visual
about your topic. Animoto allows you to get your message across in a short amount
of time.